Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Thrashing Serpent

Wow! I just received a pretty awesome revelation. It's not that it's even something I didn't already have head knowledge of, but it was one of those moments where it just jumped out and me and became more than just head knowledge. It became REAL.

So I've been dealing with something for about a week now. I recognized it early on as an advance by the adversary to cause me to lose focus from God and His will and to instead focus on this other area that felt threatened. I'm sorry to say that he had been successful in keeping me distracted. Even though I recognized it, I did a pitiful job at resisting it.

The revelation came while I was in prayer over this tonight. I had to realize first that whatever God has willed for my life the enemy can’t touch it. Not if I remain firmly planted in Christ. His will is so much more powerful than any tactic they might use against it. But wait, that’s not the revelation I was talking about. That comes next!

Okay I believe it’s in Genesis when the first prophecy of the coming Messiah is given. It says that the serpent will bruise His heel, but that He will crush the serpents head. Well get this! At this point that’s not a future event. The serpent’s head has already been crushed. It happened at the Cross! The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus was the death blow to the devil. You may ask, “Well what about all the bad things that have gone on since then? What about the beast system and tribulation to come?”

When a snake has been decapitated or its head is crushed the nerves in it’s body continue to fire for a little while causing it to thrash about. Well it’s just like that! The devil and his whole kingdom is thrashing about because they’ve already received the death blow. The Bible speaks of Satan as roaming the earth seeking whom he may devour and that he knows his time is short. Well, yeah! Of course his time is short. Jesus heel has ALREADY crushed the head of the serpent! He’s already won!

I realize some on here aren’t sure when to take my words literal or not, so I should specify. No I don’t literally mean that the devil is dead. Though any hope he could have ever had of victory against God died at the cross. Now like a snake after receiving a fatal blow, he is thrashing around, but nothing more can ever come from it.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Spirit-Filled Journaling

I wanted to share with you guys an idea I've had. I actually used to do this frequently, but then got out of the habit for a while. I'm planning to start back soon though, because I can see a real difference in my spiritual life when I practice this. So I thought that I would put it out there for those of you who might be interested as well.

Have you ever heard of spirit journals or something along these lines? The idea is to journal about different things that have some spiritual significance to you. Well I've come up with my own version of that, which I call a Spirit-filled journal. For every entry I make, I'll put the date and time on it, then write down any thing that feels significant. Whether it be dreams or thoughts that I've had and felt were important, if I feel that God is putting something on my mind, if there is something that I have been pondering over, or something I have been praying about; I will write that down. Later I will come back to record any follow-up or confirmation I have received. The more detailed the entries are the better. This way later when coming back to it I might come across some small detail that I would have forgotten, but may have an impact at a future date.  When I am doing this it seems to help me better understand what God is trying to get across to me. 

This is also an excellent way to view one's own spiritual growth. I can see how thoughts that I've had have been corrected, altered, or fleshed out along the way. When I do this regularly it is a very useful tool in my walk with God and my growth in the spirit. One could put Bible verses that speak to them or anything that is on their hearts. I wanted to share this with you in case any of you might find value in it as well.