Ever since I was a child God has given me dreams of the future of America. The earliest I can remember occurred when I was in first grade. These dreams always involve war on American soil, troops on our streets, and the persecution, imprisonment, and martyrdom of American Christians.
We keep talking about and waiting for revival. Revival is coming. I believe it, but I feel in my gut that this will not come until after the trouble falls. I feel like it will require dark times to really wake the Western church from it's slumber. Revival can not come if we are sleeping. The Western church has had great comfort, and it is this comfort that has lulled us to sleep.
All the nations where the church is fully awake are the nations where taking a stand for your faith has a price. When people find themselves willing to pay this price they then recognize it's value. People have to decide how much Jesus is worth to them. They need to know what their faith really means.
Soon we in the Western world will also find ourselves having to make this same decision. When we decide for Him, no matter the cost, the Holy Spirit will raise up in God's remnant and spread like a wildfire. He will move like He did in the book of Acts! There will be great moves of God and also great persecution. It will be the best of times and it will be the worst of times. The light always shines brightest when it is the darkest.