When you think of a firefighter, you don't imagine someone
fleeing from the danger, seeking comfort and safety far from the flames,
correct? More likely people imagine a firefighter running head on into the
danger ready to risk life and limb to put out that fire.
The Church should be like firefighters. The darkness in the world is the fire and the light of God in us and His Word is the water (He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38). Too often Christians seem to not only retreat at the first hint of discomfort, but many flee from it. What happens to a fire that the firefighter refuses to fight? Does it just go away? Not until it consumes everything in its path. So why does the Church think that ignoring the darkness in the world is the right course of action? This attitude is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. It is also the exact opposite of the actions of the Apostles. When we look at them we see an unstoppable force changing the world. Today we are so concerned with blending in with the world there remains little hope to be able to affect any kind of real change.
If we are going to call ourselves Christians should we not then take the words of Christ seriously? He was serious when He gave us the great commission. He was serious when He told us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and even when He said to love our enemy. He was serious when He said that if we loved Him we would follow His commandments. When you look at history and consider the Christians that have had the biggest impact for good in this world, you will see they are the one’s who took the words of Jesus to heart.
So let me ask you, what are we waiting for? We are to be the salt of the earth and light in the world. If the salt looses its flavor, what good is it? If the light is hidden, what effect could it hope to have in the dark? There is a saying, “As goes the Church, so goes the world.” We can’t expect anything to improve if we are unwilling to act.
The Church should be like firefighters. The darkness in the world is the fire and the light of God in us and His Word is the water (He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38). Too often Christians seem to not only retreat at the first hint of discomfort, but many flee from it. What happens to a fire that the firefighter refuses to fight? Does it just go away? Not until it consumes everything in its path. So why does the Church think that ignoring the darkness in the world is the right course of action? This attitude is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. It is also the exact opposite of the actions of the Apostles. When we look at them we see an unstoppable force changing the world. Today we are so concerned with blending in with the world there remains little hope to be able to affect any kind of real change.
If we are going to call ourselves Christians should we not then take the words of Christ seriously? He was serious when He gave us the great commission. He was serious when He told us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and even when He said to love our enemy. He was serious when He said that if we loved Him we would follow His commandments. When you look at history and consider the Christians that have had the biggest impact for good in this world, you will see they are the one’s who took the words of Jesus to heart.
So let me ask you, what are we waiting for? We are to be the salt of the earth and light in the world. If the salt looses its flavor, what good is it? If the light is hidden, what effect could it hope to have in the dark? There is a saying, “As goes the Church, so goes the world.” We can’t expect anything to improve if we are unwilling to act.